You should shred to destroy sensitive information that is valuable to identity thieves and valuable to your competitors. This information is primarily stored on paper, electronic media, and hard drives. This confidential information is an important asset that must be protected from getting into the wrong hands. There is need to destroy such information as soon as it is no longer needed.
You should use a shredding service to shred confidential information for the following reasons:
- To protect your business and customers from unimaginable risk. Identity theft destroys businesses, reputations, peace of mind, and quality of life.
- To satisfy legal and professional liability requirements. A business is legally obligated to protect sensitive information. Outsourced document destruction and media destruction are the most secure, most convenient, and most economical ways to protect sensitive information. FACTA, HIPAA, GLBA, EEA are federal laws requiring protection of information from theft and/or misuse.
- To protect business records and personal records. Identity thieves are adept at obtaining confidential information and using it for financial gain to the peril and expense of your business and your customers. The result of information theft is far reaching, longstanding, and potentially devastating to your public relations.
- To afford the legal protection of routine information destruction. A business avoids the unjust appearance of impropriety that can be misinterpreted from sudden large scale document destruction. Also, a certificate of destruction shows that you are consistently handling your confidential information in a responsible and compliant manner.
- To avoid unnecessary long-term storage of information. Keeping sensitive information substantially increases the risk of an information security breach as well as the resulting liability and negative publicity for your company.
- To increase space and consequently improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace. By removing unneeded paper records from your office on a regular basis, you will realize significant improvements in efficiency and productivity of staff due to improved organization from elimination of clutter.
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SelectShred-Protecting People and Preserving the Environment